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Web Designer And Client Relationship

Web developers/designers and regular users/clients are like they've come from different planets. The fact that they think differently and speak "different languages" often causes conflicts. Many web developers start a freelance career but they often return to their regular full-time job only because they can't deal with gruelling clients.

web developer vs customer conflict

The relationship between graphic designer and client is an important aspect to implement a successful project. Web designers often become frustrated because they feel there's a lack of respect for their expertise, while the customers want to get the project completed as cheap as possible.

Perpendicular Lines Video

Watch the short comedy sketch below which demonstrates the designer-client relationship. In the video the customer asks the designer to draw 7 perpendicular red lines, some with blue ink, some with transparent. I believe every designer can relate to the short video below which demonstrates the struggle.

Clients From Hell

Clients from hellClients From Hell is dedicated to draw attention to the client-designer incompatibility. The website is a large collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from developers and designers.

A few sentences that drive web developers crazy:

  • What? Do I have to pay you? I thought you are called a freelancer because you work for free.
  • I want a site like Facebook, just better.
  • I've found a really nice-looking font I want to use, it's called Comic Sans.
  • Why would I pay you so much? My nephew can use Paint too.
  • I've sent you the pictures I need published in the attached Word document.
  • Just use the images from my competitor's website.
  • C'mon it's easy, you just press two buttons!
  • Could you reinstall Windows for me tomorrow?
  • I really like that color but could you change it?
  • I just want it to be cheap, good and it's really urgent.
  • I want it in yellow with purple lines because my mother-in-law has curtains of the same color.
  • You were right, I just forgot to refresh the page.
  • What do we need a contract for?
  • I know a lot about "MHTL" so don't try to tell me it's hard.
  • I will know what I want when I see it.
  • That just doesn't look "Premium".
  • I printed it out but the animated gif isn't moving.
  • Can you change it for something better?
  • If you do this for me for free I will tell all my friends about you and you can add it to your portfolio. It will get you a lot of business.
  • You can make me 5-6 designs and I'll just pick one.
  • I don't have too much money for this. Can I offer you a discount card for my store instead?

How A Web Design Goes Straight To Hell

how web design goes to hell
how web design goes to hell
how web design goes to hell
how web design goes to hell
how web design goes to hell
how web design goes to hell
how web design goes to hell
how web design goes to hell
how web design goes to hell
Soruce of the image: The Oatmeal

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